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PROTESTERENS SJOKKERENDE sang: "Død til Amerika" over påståtte grusomheter

- Activists were recently filmed at a protest loudly chanting “Death to America,” blaming the U.S. and Israel for violence in Gaza. Tarek Bazzi from the Hadi Institute pointed fingers at American funding, claiming it supports what he sees as serious wrongdoing in the region.

Bazzi didn’t stop there. He went on to harshly criticize the entire American political system, dubbing President Joe Biden “Genocide Joe.” He argued for dismantling what he believes is a system backing atrocities and evil actions, stating such a structure shouldn’t be allowed to stand.

He also urged protesters to always counter with “Death to Israel,” labeling it as today’s most fitting response worldwide. His comments reflect strong animosity towards both nations, positioning them as chief villains in his narrative.

This incident highlights growing tensions and the extreme views held by some groups against America and its allies, raising concerns about escalating rhetoric on international stages.


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